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 Click the provided hyperlink labeled download for each individual Custom Content and it will take you to an adfly. Ad Blocker needs to be disabled or AdFly needs to be white listed in order for it to work. DO NOT CLICK ANY DOWNLOAD BUTTONS ON ADFLY!! If you click it, it is not my download and may possibly be a virus. Instead wait 5 seconds and click skip ad. You will be linked to my mediafire and click download there. Since it is custom content and not a fancy script mod it can be dropped directly into the Mods folder (Default Windows location: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. I do not have Mac so I don't know the default for Mac.). Run Sims 4 and make sure Custom Content and Mods is checked in your settings. (If not check it off and restart the game). It should now be in your game. If there are any issues you can message me on Tumblr or my Twitter @Its_Cara_Mae

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